Noctua School Alliance

Member Area

Leadership and Management

CourseOfsted Update
Led byAdrian Gray, MA (Cantab) National and International Consultant
DetailsThis short course will provide an update on the trends and developments in Ofsted inspections.

Adrian was a senior HMI and a senior manager with Ofsted, has recently been specialist adviser to the Parliamentary Education Select Committee in its work on Ofsted and is the author of a standard book on school inspection.

He is currently also advising the government of Azerbaijan on developing effective school inspection.

The school year 2023-4 saw many changes in Ofsted including a new Chief Inspector, changes to its complaints process and the demise of its ‘curriculum unit’ that had driven so much of the subject-specific guidance.

Will any of this make a difference?

We will look at what has actually been happening with inspections and how inspection in 2024-5 may not actually be the same as in 2019-20 despite there being no apparent major changes in the framework.

Remote Session
TimingsWednesday 9th October 20243.30pm-4.45pm £75
BookingClick here to book your place
CourseCoaching for Leaders in Education
Led byDeveloped and Delivered by Aisling Given
DetailsAims and Purpose

Coaching for leaders in education is an essential component in the ongoing development and effectiveness of teachers, headteachers and deputies, and other educational leaders. This form of professional development is tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities that come with leading in an educational setting. It focuses on enhancing the leadership skills necessary to foster a positive school culture, improve student outcomes, and navigate the complex landscape of educational policy and reform.

A key aspect of coaching for educational leaders is its emphasis on personalised growth and learning. Unlike traditional professional development workshops that may offer one-size-fits-all solutions, coaching is highly individualised. It considers the specific needs, goals, and context of each leader. Through one-on-one sessions and small group discussions, our coaches work closely with educational leaders to identify areas for improvement, set realistic goals, and develop strategies for achieving these goals. This personalised approach ensures that leaders receive the support and guidance they need to make meaningful progress in their professional journey.

Coaching provides a safe space for leaders to reflect on their practice, challenge their assumptions, and gain new perspectives. It encourages a mindset of continuous learning and improvement, which is vital in the fast-evolving field of education.

Session 1 - The impact of crisis on ME and my school community
• Time for reflection on personal situation and practice.
• Improve self-awareness using an effective toolkit.
• Collaborate with other practitioners to build confidence.
• Become aware of the toolkit for self-development.
• Workbook for guidance at every session.
Thursday 24th October 2024

Session 2 - Being and Leading, knowing you are enough
• Reflect on the previous session.
• Learn and use the BE-DO-HAVE model.
• Allow deep discussion about individual approaches to leadership.
• Identify our value and belief system.
Thursday 5th December 2024

Session 3 - Moving from thinking to doing, with compassion for yourself and others
• Reflect on previous session.
• Explore compassion and how it supports strong leadership.
• Identify what is getting in the way.
• Develop a plan to action goals so they become a reality.
Thursday 27th February 2025

Session 4 - What will transformation look like for me and my community moving forward?
• Reflect on previous sessions and learning.
• Understanding the importance of validation.
• Gain tools to implement strong communication in the workplace.
• Identify the new openings that will support a positive future.
Thursday 3rd April 2025

Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School
TimingsThursday 24th October 20241pm-3.30pm£300
BookingClick here to book your place
CourseMonitoring Your Subject Through Pupil Voice
Led byAdrian Gray, MA (Cantab) National and International Consultant.
DetailsThis course for new and developing subject leaders

‘Pupil Voice’ activities are often done in schools but are rarely used effectively as part of a co-ordinated monitoring and self-evaluation programme for subjects.

With the new need to evaluate the impact of the curriculum, they are now an essential component in any drive to improve and yet too often ‘pupil voice’ work merely results in anecdotal information.

This course for new and developing subject leaders looks at how it can be best used as a component in a strategically planned range of monitoring activities. This short training course focused on yielding specific improvements in practice.

Remote Session
TimingsTuesday 12th November 20241.30pm-3pm£75
BookingClick here to book your place
CourseLeadership Course: Behaviours & Attitudes
Led byKirsten Finley - Headteacher of Tranmere Park Primary School
DetailsA one off workshop aimed at senior leaders and headteachers.

An area of the current Ofsted Inspection Framework – but not the Quality of Education one and the deep dives that this involves.

Course details:

This session focuses on the Ofsted area of behaviour and attitudes.

What do schools need to demonstrate to show good or better behaviour and pupil attitudes?

How can school leaders evidence their work in this area?

Remote learning session

TimingsWednesday 13th November 20241.30pm-3.30pm£80 per delegate
BookingClick here to book your place
Course‘Say less, ask more’ - Stuart Herrington
Led byAn Invaluable 2 Day Leadership Coaching Skill Course delivered by Stuart Herrington – Leadership, Coaching & Development
DetailsDates: Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd November 2024

“Say less, ask more” gives you time to reflect and respond to your current main school improvement challenges, by focussing on what you really want and how to achieve this.

This two day coaching course:
 Gives you quality thinking time so you can find your best solution to opportunities and challenges in your setting
 Focusses on the key principles of coaching, including how adults learn best
 Builds in practical sessions to develop your listening and coaching skills, including the quality of questions you ask
 Considers how self-limiting beliefs can hold back leadership, teaching and learning
 Develops awareness of different forms of resistance and possible ways to respond to these
 Shares coaching tools and techniques you can use back in school.

Event location:
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School
TimingsThursday 21st November 20249am-3pm£260.00 per delegate (2 days training including lunch)
BookingClick here to book your place
CourseSubject Leadership Development Programme
Led byBryony Turford
DetailsThere are a maximum of 12 places available on this bespoke programme to support and develop leadership of primary foundation subject leaders.

In brief summary, the programme covers:
Introduction - Welcome, introduction and programme overview
Session 1 - What is effective leadership?
Session 2 - How do I engender change, monitor and action plan?
Session 3 - How do I lead professional learning for my colleagues and effectively manage aspects of my subject?
Session 4 - How do I plan for the future and feel confident to lead my subject after this programme?

• Sits within an annual appraisal cycle
• Includes the latest research, documentation, and support for leaders to evaluate their subject, plan to develop specific areas and evaluate the impact
• Support from an experienced leader and CPD consultant
• Support for reflection and impact throughout
• Subject specific support will sit alongside a wider programme to develop subject leadership
• An understanding of where your subject sits within your school’s quality of education judgement
• Small groups to allow for personalised and bespoke sessions, sharing and support
• The programme takes place virtually to allow maximum flexibility for attendance and reduced travel
• Core in school tasks are set between sessions and require school support to enable colleagues to get the most out of the programme
• Workload sensitive programme with clear needs driven focus at all times

Target audience:
The programme is aimed at primary foundation subject leaders - all subjects other than English, Maths and Science. We aim to support those new to leadership, or who have not had any recent leadership development or support.

Cost £400 per delegate which includes a copy of Primary Huh – Mary Myatt and John Tomsett delivered to your school after attendance at the introduction session.

27/01/25 Introduction - 4pm-5pm
04/02/25 session 1- 1.30pm: 4.30pm
12/03/25 session 2- 1.30pm: 4.30pm
24/04/25 session 3- 1.30pm: 4.30pm
19/05/25 session 4- 1.30pm: 4.30pm

About the programme leader:
Bryony has written and created this bespoke programme following years of work with subject leaders in primary schools. It has been designed to meet a need within primary schools to offer constructive, needs driven support and resources to enable and empower leaders to be effective in this aspect of their work. Bryony has worked in the Yorkshire and Humber region as a teacher, leader and now professional learning consultant and author for over 20 years.

If you have any questions about colleagues you may be considering for the programme, do not hesitate to get in touch,

TimingsMonday 27th January 2025 Introduction 4pm-5pm£400
BookingClick here to book your place