Noctua School Alliance

Member Area

Leadership and Management

CourseLeadership Course: Behaviours & Attitudes
Led byKirsten Finley - Headteacher of Tranmere Park Primary School
DetailsA one off workshop aimed at senior leaders and headteachers.

An area of the current Ofsted Inspection Framework – but not the Quality of Education one and the deep dives that this involves.

Course details:

This session focuses on the Ofsted area of behaviour and attitudes.

What do schools need to demonstrate to show good or better behaviour and pupil attitudes?

How can school leaders evidence their work in this area?

Remote learning session

TimingsTuesday 11 February 20251.30pm-3.30pm£80 per delegate
BookingClick here to book your place
CourseQuizzes, Tests & Assessments
Led byAdrian Gray, MA (Cantab) National and International Consultant. Adrian was closely involved with the original Government discussions about British Values when at Ofsted, and was responsible for the initial inspections of them. He has extensive expertise especially in the area of religious freedom and tolerance, the fourth British Value and perhaps the most challenging.
DetailsCourse Overview:

Over the last few years, the emphasis in Ofsted inspections has moved on from your curriculum ‘intent’ to planning and now especially to the role and use of assessment – notably in the foundation subjects.

At the same time, the focus on staff well-being has set some parameters for what assessment can look like.

This seminar looks at some highly regarded research about how quizzes and tests can be fun and developmental, promoting learning in and of themselves.

We will consider how introducing a sense of competition and even having teams take tests together can enhance the learning impact so that assessment actually creates learning as well as…..assessing it!

TimingsThursday 13th February 20253.30 - 4.45pm £75 per delegate
BookingClick here to book your place
CourseSubject Leadership Development Programme
Led byBryony Turford
DetailsThere are a maximum of 12 places available on this bespoke programme to support and develop leadership of primary foundation subject leaders.

In brief summary, the programme covers:
Introduction - Welcome, introduction and programme overview
Session 1 - What is effective leadership?
Session 2 - How do I engender change, monitor and action plan?
Session 3 - How do I lead professional learning for my colleagues and effectively manage aspects of my subject?
Session 4 - How do I plan for the future and feel confident to lead my subject after this programme?

• Sits within an annual appraisal cycle
• Includes the latest research, documentation, and support for leaders to evaluate their subject, plan to develop specific areas and evaluate the impact
• Support from an experienced leader and CPD consultant
• Support for reflection and impact throughout
• Subject specific support will sit alongside a wider programme to develop subject leadership
• An understanding of where your subject sits within your school’s quality of education judgement
• Small groups to allow for personalised and bespoke sessions, sharing and support
• The programme takes place virtually to allow maximum flexibility for attendance and reduced travel
• Core in school tasks are set between sessions and require school support to enable colleagues to get the most out of the programme
• Workload sensitive programme with clear needs driven focus at all times

Target audience:
The programme is aimed at primary foundation subject leaders - all subjects other than English, Maths and Science. We aim to support those new to leadership, or who have not had any recent leadership development or support.

Cost £400 per delegate which includes a copy of Primary Huh – Mary Myatt and John Tomsett delivered to your school after attendance at the introduction session.

Introduction - 4pm-5pm
session 1- 1.30pm: 4.30pm
session 2- 1.30pm: 4.30pm
session 3- 1.30pm: 4.30pm
session 4- 1.30pm: 4.30pm

About the programme leader:
Bryony has written and created this bespoke programme following years of work with subject leaders in primary schools. It has been designed to meet a need within primary schools to offer constructive, needs driven support and resources to enable and empower leaders to be effective in this aspect of their work. Bryony has worked in the Yorkshire and Humber region as a teacher, leader and now professional learning consultant and author for over 20 years.

If you have any questions about colleagues you may be considering for the programme, do not hesitate to get in touch,

TimingsComing soon - register your interestIntroduction 4pm-5pm£400
BookingClick here to book your place
CourseStrategies That Encourage Deeper Thinking
Led byAdrian Gray, MA (Cantab) National and International Consultant. Adrian is an experienced teacher and was a senior officer and HMI with Ofsted. This is the latest in his popular research-based topics for Noctua.
DetailsCourse Overview:

This one-off session provides an insightful summary briefing on useful recent research which has shown that ‘retrieval practice, elaboration, and concept mapping help students make richer, more meaningful connections between ideas.’ We will look at how retrieval practice helps with memory; how asking questions to elaborate knowledge of a topic works more effectively than asking pupils to remember information; ands how to help pupils with concept mapping by looking at the six stages of doing this effectively. As one teacher said, ‘These strategies work because they engage the learner’s attention and encourage them to think more deeply about the content.’

We read the research so you don’t have to!
TimingsWednesday 11th June 20253.30 – 3.45pm£75 per delegate
BookingClick here to book your place